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The Korean Journal of Public Health

ISSN : 1225-6315

Institute of Health & Environment Seoul National University

ISSN : 1225-6315

The Korean Journal of Public Health

Aims and Scope


보건학논집은 서울대학교 보건환경연구소에서 발행하는 보건학 전문 학술지입니다. 1964년 창간 이래 60년 넘게 발간 중인 보건학논집은 국내 보건학 관련 전문 저널로는 최고(最古)의 역사를 자랑하고 있습니다. 보건학과 관련된 세부 전공별 주제에 관한 다양한 연구 성과물을 게재하며 “보건학논집”에 실린 논문들은 우리나라 보건학의 흐름을 대표한다고 말할 수 있습니다.


The Korean Journal of Public Health(KJPH) is a professional academic journal in the discipline of public health published by the Institute of Health and Environment at Seoul National University. Since its first issue in 1964, KJPH has been continuously published for over 60 years, and this means that this journal has the longest publication history among specialized public health journals in South Korea. It covers a comprehensive array of research findings on various sub-disciplines within public health. The papers published in the Korean Journal of Public Health are considered representative of the trends in public health research.