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The Korean Journal of Public Health

ISSN : 1225-6315

Institute of Health & Environment Seoul National University

ISSN : 1225-6315

The Korean Journal of Public Health

Vol. 61, No. 1

The Korean Journal of Public Health


  • Free Access Journal
  • biannual
Institute of Health & Environment Seoul National University
Publication period
1964 ~ 2024
Medical science > Medicine
1225-6315 (Print)
Listed on
KCI Accredited Journal
Online Submission

Aims and Scope

The Korean Journal of Public Health(KJPH) is a professional academic journal in the discipline of public health published by the Institute of Health and Environment at Seoul National University. Since its first issue in 1964, KJPH has been continuously published for over 60 years, and this means that this journal has the longest publication history among specialized public health journals in South Korea. It covers a comprehensive array of research findings on various sub-disciplines within public health. The papers published in the Korean Journal of Public Health are considered representative of the trends in public health research.